
Ganga jamuna saraswati apartments lda constructed by whom
Ganga jamuna saraswati apartments lda constructed by whom

  • Anshumat (अंशुमत): A mighty chariot-fighter.
  • Anjalikā (अंजलिका): The greatest of Arjuna's arrows with which he slays Karna.
  • Aniruddha (अनिरुद्ध): Son of Pradyumna (a rebirth of Shatrughana who married with Chārumati and Ushā.
  • Angada (अंगद): One of the monkey host Son of Valī.
  • Anga (अंग): Mlechchha kings, a Kaurava supporter.
  • Later, Andhaka became the king of Hiranyaksha's kingdom. After birth, Andhaka was given to Hiranyaksha to be raised, as he had no sons.
  • Andhaka (अंधक): Andhaka was the demon son of Shiva, and was created from a drop of his sweat.
  • Ananta was the name of present Shekhawati region of Rajasthan in India. Author and commentator of Katyayana sutra 3.
  • Ananta (अनन्‍त): Ananta may be 1.The thousand headed nāga that issued from Balrāma's mouth 2.
  • Amrit (अमृत): Ambrosia, the food of the gods, which makes the partaker immortal.
  • Ambā (अम्‍बा), Ambikā (अम्‍बिका), Ambālikā (अम्‍बालिका): The three daughters of King of Benares, Eldest daughter Ambā was in love with King Shālwa.
  • This is the place from where the Narmada River, the Sone River and Johila River emerge. This is the meeting point of the Vindhyas and the Satpuras, with the Maikal Hills being the fulcrum.
  • Amarkantak (अमरकंटक): Amarkantak is a unique natural heritage area in eastern Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Alambasa (अलम्‍बस): A Rakshasa friend of Duryodhana who had joined his forces but Satyaki compelled him to flee from the battlefield.
  • Alara (अलर) : A famous sage, sought out by Buddha.
  • Akshayapatra (अक्षयपत्र): A wonderful vessel given to Yudhishthira by the Sun god which held a never-failing supply of food.
  • Akampana (अकम्‍पन): Meaning (Unconquerable) - A rākshasa slain by Hanumaān at seize.
  • Ajātasatru (अजातशत्रु): Having no enemy, friend of all born things, an epithet of Yudhishthira.
  • Ajasat (अजसत):The Prince who plots with Devadatta to kill Buddha.
  • Ahimsā (अहिंसा): A religious concept which advocates non-violence and a respect for all life.
  • Ahamkara (अहंकार): A Sanskrit term that refers to the ego of one's self, the identification of one's own ego.
  • Ahi (अहि): Means ("snake"), Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi cognate with Azhi Dahaka of Zoroastrian mythology and he is said to have had three heads.
  • Agnihotra (अग्निहोत्र): A sacrifice to God Agni.
  • Agni (अग्‍नि): The sacred Hindu fire god.
  • Āgneyāstra (आग्नेयास्त्र): Āgneyāstra is the fire weapon, incepted by God Agni, master of the flames.
  • ganga jamuna saraswati apartments lda constructed by whom

    Aghāsur (अघासुर): A dragon sent by Kamsa to destroy Krishna.Agastya (अगस्त्य): A great sage whose life-story the Pandavas learnt while on pilgrimage to holy places, his wife Lopamudra was equally a great sage in her own right.Advaita Vedanta (अद्वैत वेदान्त): A school of Hindu philosophy often called a monistic or non-dualistic system which refers to the indivisibility of the Self ( Atman) from the Whole ( Brahman).Aditi (अदिति): A goddess of the sky, consciousness, the past, the future and fertility.Adi Shankara (आदि शङ्कर): The first Hindu philosopher who consolidated the principles of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy.Adhiratha (अधिरथ): Karna's foster-father.

    ganga jamuna saraswati apartments lda constructed by whom

    Achyuta (अच्युत): A synonym of Sri Vishnu.He was deceitfully killed by the Kauravas during Kurukshetra. Abhimanyu (अभिमन्यु): Son of Arjuna and Subhadra who was married to Uttara, daughter of King Virata.0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A.The main purpose of this list is to define the concept in one or two lines, to make it easy for one to find and pin down specific concepts, and to provide a guide to the concepts of Hinduism all in one place. The list consists of concepts that are derived from both Hinduism and Hindu tradition, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit as well as other languages of India. The following is a glossary of terms and concepts in Hinduism.

    Ganga jamuna saraswati apartments lda constructed by whom